关于我们 博涵优势




  1. 洞悉行业,深挖客户价值,为企业提供精准、差异化的传播定位
  2. 通过为企业在资本市场精准定位,更好的指导企业IPO阶段的财经传播,树立鲜明的资本形象
  1. 与国内主要财经媒体和其他综合媒体建立了长期稳定的合作关系
  2. 通过多年资源积累,博涵与超过三百位平面财经媒体和网络媒体保持密切联系,媒体网络覆盖京沪广深港等各大城市
  3. 拥有强大的境外媒体资源库

  1. 博涵财经积累了多年危机处理经验,拥有成熟的危机管理体系
  2. 快速的危机响应机制
  3. 为客户提供危机管理咨询服务并多次帮助企业平稳渡过大型危机事件,为企业营造良好的媒体舆论环境
  4. 专设博涵危机管理顾问团队,强大的专家学者力量、专业的学术背书提供智囊团服务

  1. 在内地和香港两地积累了丰富的资本市场服务经验,制定投资者关系管理制度、策略规划与流程制定
  2. 帮助上市公司制定全年IR策略,协助建立投资者沟通平台,构建完善的投资者关系管理体系,搭建卖方及买方机构投资者资源
  3. 拥有全方位的发布渠道,将最新最及时的中国财经报道直接送达至全球近百万的机构投资者,帮助他们做出决策

  1. 目前市场上唯一一家拥有不同新股发行制度项目运作经验的财经顾问公司
  2. 更好地协助注册制下企业上市过程中路演询价工作,挖掘企业投资价值
  3. 树立企业资本市场形象,打造鲜明独特的企业IP
  1. 博涵财经专注于财经类大型活动的策划和管理
  2. 为路演、上市酒会、上市挂牌仪式、新闻发布会、业绩说明会、行业论坛等不同形式的活动提供创意策划及统筹执行
About Us Advantages




Joint Action of Hong Kong and Mainland China

1、Senior management has experience in listing in Hong Kong and Mainland China’s capital markets.

2、Its experience in media relations consultancy management takes the lead in the industry.

Customized Professional Steward Services

Brighthand is the only company providing omnimedia transmission, crisis management and brand promotion in the public relations field. It customizes services according to the features of clients at different stages and plans work as a whole reasonably to achieve well-matched economic benefits and effects.

Powerful Media Management System

1、Brighthand Public Relations Media Executives Advisory Group

2、Brighthand Public Relations Core Financial and Economic Media “25*24”Communication Mechanism

3、Brighthand Public Relations Crisis Management “28-hour” System.

Experience in Large-scale Activity Management

1、Abundant experience in planning and executing large-scale activities

2、Creative activity planning and arrangement

3、Elements combining capital market and enterprise features

4、Precision and sound process management

Experienced Management

All management members have more than 10 years of work experience in related media, public relations marketing, brand promotion, financial sector etc. Their rich experience in media and brand operation is conducive to providing more professional and efficient services for clients.

Efficient and Dedicated Project Implementing Team

The professional team, with complete project personnel allocation,a professional division-cooperation system and an attentive, dedicated and professional attitude, strives to createevery classical project.

Leading New Media Center in the Industry

1、Brighthand takes the lead in building a new media center second to none in China.

2、Brighthand boasts abundant resources covering the whole network.